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Supply Chain Is a Key Success Factor in the Under Way Development of the Defence Sector

Tony Barton, CEO of Saudi Maintenance and Supply Chain Management, Saudi Arabia, affirmed the pivotal aspect that supply chains play in attaining the goals of Vision2030, which aims to localize more than 50 percent of the military spending by 2030. In his speech, delivered at the Supply

Chain and Logistics Conference held in Riyadh, Mr. Barton elucidated how Saudi Arabia is plainly successful in fulfilling its economic determinations in Vision2030 by transferring and resettling many of the deep heritage and expertise of BAE Systems, which spans more than 50 years in the supply chain, and transfers that knowledge to SMSCMC, which is Saudized by %76 that consequently contributes to the Saudi economy.

The Saudi Vision2030, he said, is committed to build a consolidated national network of services and supporting industries in a view to improve the Saudi self- sufficiency and strengthen our defense exports, both regionally and internationally. Precisely, that is what SMSCMC has been focusing on latterly by supporting the Kingdom military activities.

Barton expressed his honor in having SMSCMC taking part in the under way expansion of the defence sector in Saudi Arabia, and stressed on the gravity of asolid supply chain to speed up the accomplishments of the sake of the Kingdom’s transformation.

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