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Why SMSCMC Invests in Diversity and Inclusion?

Imagine there is an organization and everyone at its meeting table is quite alike in thinking and experience, how would its performance and competitiveness be?

Businesses are facing new and different challenges, especially after the pandemic in 2020, which required accepting changes more than ever. The cultural and skill diversity of employees is one of the most important sources of developing creative solutions to achieve the goals and aspirations of a business.

On the occasion of the International Day for Cultural Diversity May 21, I would like to note the following:

With the full support of the Management Committees, our focus at SMSCMC is on delivering diversity and inclusion plans that are an important source of strength for the company.

Diversity in SMSCMC is not just about our employees or our different and varied cultural background, its more than that, for us it’s diversity of skills, academic disciplines and professional experiences in different fields across the Company. We are proud of this diversity and our ability to manage and respect it, and we ensure in the HR organisation that our work environment is welcoming and accepting.

The reliance of today's businesses on diversity is becoming more and more important. Diversity enhances team performance as it enables the exchange of different professions, ideas and mixing them to reach innovative solutions. This makes the meeting table rich with diverse opinions and enables everyone to approach the topic from a different perspective which would not have been possible if everyone were the same.

Majdi Aldhahri



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